Chris Shields - Мемориальный вебсайт онлайн

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Chris Shields
Родился вUnited States
52 years
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Douglas Freeze Missing my friend September 12, 2013
Chris, I miss you buddy. I was lucky enough to spend time with you on your last day here. I miss us talking five times a day and fishing every week. My family will sincerely miss you being in our home for the holidays as you always were, and I will miss you at my side for Nascar this November. We had big plans. I shed a tear each day for my best friend. I love and miss you.
kellyann kersey chrs shields September 3, 2013
Chris you taught me to ride my first ten speed  and you were there when my mom needed you to help us move still can't believe you knew when I burned down our apartment I love talking about old times with you as you have been a great friend I will miss you alot
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